Friday, April 18, 2008

The Man Cold Syndrome

I have many wonderful men in my life...husband, son, father, 5 brothers, etc... so I can honestly say I've been around men my whole life and this is the absolute are so dramatic when they are sick. We girls suck it up and still manage to function while we are sick, however, the male species are not quite as capable, and are so demanding when they are sick. Now, you may think I am writing about my dear husband, and I am to a degree, he is not sick right now (thank heavens) and I assure you when he is it's pretty dramatic! Today, however I am talking about my darling 4 year old Cole. He is fulfilling his roll as a man... he has another ear infection and I know it hurts terribly. I am keeping the motrin going, but he is using it to his advantage. He can't clean up his room- his ear hurts, I have to rub his tummy all night, he wants a hot compress for his ear and the second it cools down I have to warm it again - or the moaning starts, he wants me to carry him everywhere, etc....however, when he is playing Lego Star Wars you would never know he has an ear infection. Funny! He is totally working it and has perfected "The Man Cold" syndrome at age must be something males are born with!


Dan and Jen Sampson said...

AMEN is all I have to say to that!

Melissa said...

Those men pick up very quickly on the "Man Cold"....guess he figures you're never too young to start!

cristelle amber said...

that is hilarious and so incredibly true! Hope little Cole gets better soon...

bolingbrokes said...

That is so horribly true...boys are drama kings to the fullest when it comes to getting extra attention...good luck:)

The Theler's said...

Very funny Rachel! I hope cole really does feel better soon. I had fun with you on Friday. Love ya

Staci said...

Too funny! I love the "whine" in an English accent. Hope the little Cole man is feeling better soon!