Thursday, July 17, 2008

My little Indy..

Cole is obsessed with Indiana Jones (and he hasn't even seen the new movie). Anyhow, for his 5th birthday he got the XBox 360 Lego Indiana Jones game. He has beat almost all the levels, has bought every character possible, and I'm still amazed that he knows how to play the game. I've tried and it's so confusing - I can't figure it out and always manage to die within the first 30 seconds.
Anyway, he loves Indiana Jones and has created his own Indy outfit... this is all from thing he found around the house. Who ever says boys aren't creative hasn't met Cole, oops I mean Indy. Oh, he's so dang cute! (notice his added features...a whip (belt), and a horse, oh and usually he has his cowboy boots on but we can't find them -darn it!) Pretty stinkin cute!


Natallee said...

So cute! I love the dress ups! Cameron loved the movie I guess all we need is the video game :)

Tiffany said...

that is SO cute...I love how creative he got with his costume! What are we going to do with these obsessed boys???? You gotta love it! My boys are convinced that there is a missing crystal skull hidden somewhere in our house - we need Cole "Indy" to come help us find it!!!

Melissa said...

That boy does love his outfits...I think it's fabulous!!

TNTWilliams said...

I love the creativity-plus that means you don't have to buy a full on Indy costume from Disney that costs a fortune. He seriously is so cute. Can I name a boy after him?

bolingbrokes said...

indy is awesome..hope he's enjoying the whip..hope you're enjoying the sound the whip makes..hee hee

the Roberson family said...

he is the cutest! gotta love boys.