Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Twilight Madness

I have Twilight Madness....all I can seem to do these last few days is read. Needless to say, my house has been neglected, sleep has been neglected, I'm sure my husband would say he has been neglected - I've been staying up until 3 am (most nights) reading about Edward & Bella. Nick is pretty sick of hearing about Edward, Edward, Edward - I feel like a teenager again with a crush - but hey who wouldn't want a vampire, like Edward, for a boyfriend? Just one little bite to keep me young forever! Okay so maybe, I need a little more excitement in my life. I now have a void to fill and am in need of a good read - I'd love suggestions!


bolingbrokes said...

I know..don't you just love that cute vampire.. i don't think I would mind a bite just to keep me younger for just a little while..

the Roberson family said...

Rachel-- I had so much fun reading those books too. It does make you feel like a teenager again, maybe that was part of the reason they were so fun to read!! I added your family to my blog. www.scottrobersonfamily.blogspot.com/ It was fun to read about your family, your blog is so cute! Love, Ali

Nicole M said...

Hey Rachel! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog (I found it through Natalie's)! That's awesome you started one. Check ours out if you'd like at nicoleandwestonmaughan.blogspot.com. Love your updates!

Melissa said...

Rach have you read the Kite Runner yet? It is excellent...if you are looking for a light book try Good Grief or Something Borrowed.