Monday, September 24, 2007


McKayla has a fun project due for her honors English class - it's quite extensive, anyway, she had to create a mock web page and divide it into 4 sections. One of her sections was on her family and she had to include a recent picture - so here it is.... as of last night. We were at the church for a baptism and all dressed up so we decided to take a quick family photo. It's quite the task to get everyone dressed up and in the same location at the same is BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! I just wish we somewhat coordinated - o'well can't plan them all. Next week we are set to have real family photo's taken. Hopefully they turn out - and this time we will coordinate.


Jill said...

Lovely. Just lovely. You are one of the few people I know who get prettier with age.


Melissa said...

Oh you have such a beautiful you all!

Carrie said...

Beautiful fam, Rachel!

bolingbrokes said...

this could be your Christmas guys are adorable, all of you. Hope Mckaylas project goes good

Natallee said...

What a great picture- You all look so good! I just love your little family~

Tate Family said...

Look at this beautiful family who I miss so much! I love reading your blog but miss TALKING to you! The Tate's are not that far away...maybe you could stop by after your next temple visit--we can see it from our front yard...
OR...gals' night anyone?